
Festhalle Stuttgart Feuerbach Kärntner Straße 48, 70469 Stuttgart

If you need help with your travel planning you can contact the managing directors by email: managingdirectors

Arriving by plane:

Fly to Stuttgart Airport which is around 20km from the venue. Then either take a Taxi or go further by train. Train from Stuttgart Airport: Take the Underground U6 (Gerlingen) to Wilhelm- Geiger-Platz Feuerbach. It takes 40 minutes. From there it is a 5 minutes walk to the venue.

Arriving by train:

Arriving at Stuttgart Main Station, take the U6 (Gerlingen) to Wilhelm-Geiger-Platz Feuerbach. It takes 10 Minutes. From there it is a 5 minutes walk to the venue.

Arriving by car:

Festhalle Stuttgart Feuerbach
Kärntner Straße 48, 70469

Parking area:

There is enough parking space in the near surrounding


We have found some great hotels in the surrounding so check the hotel page

  • The Niu Form - ± 2km to the venue

  • Moxy - ± 900m to the venue

  • B&B - ± 2km to the venue

Safe Travel

Make sure you are travelling safe and if there is anything you need please let us know so we can see how we can help you